Marine Park First School

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Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together

  2. Questionnaire and Consultation Exercises
  3. Robinwood Questionnaire Autumn 2021

Robinwood Questionnaire Autumn 2021


Summary: Parents were asked to score 1-5 (1 = inadequate, 5= Outstanding). We were pleased to note very high satisfaction levels in response to the questions asked and that there were no (0)  1 scores and only one (1) 2 scores. We observed pupils develop emotionally, socially and physically whilst at Robinwood. We also think the pupils had a wonderful time and the questionnaires and positive comments seem to confirm this view. Thanks go to Mr. Harrison for organising the trip and to the Marine Park and Robinwood staff for the very high standard of care and instruction provided.

We received lots of positive and constructive comments and suggestions. Read below

Suggestions for improvements prior to the trip:

· Possibly finding out who they were staying in a room with before they left for the trip.

· If the children could know in advance which other children will be in their room.

(Response: We understand that this information might help reassure parents and pupils but we feel that it works well overall to tell the children once we have set off. Prior to the trip, the children are asked who they would like to share with and we ensure that this is taken into account. We would, of course, address any issues if they arose whilst we are away.)

· It would have been good to have the equipment list a bit earlier!

(Response: The equipment list has been a standing item on the school website for  several years. However, we recognise that it might he been helpful to signpost to this more often than we did.

Suggestions for improvement whilst we are away:

· An earlier bedtime. Time structures seem to be the same as when year 6 children visit.

(Response: This is a valid point. However, we want to maximise the opportunities and activities the pupils complete. Staff support and observe the children continually whilst we are away and would ask the centre to make adaptations if the children were finding the schedule too demanding.)

· xxx would have liked more turns on the activities and wanted to stay another night but probably wouldn’t have wanted to stay 3 nights before she went as was nervous about it beforehand so I think that shows the success of the trip and the care from the staff and school staff beforehand. It was good for xxx that she was reassured she would be sharing a room with her friends prior to going.

(Response: We feel that 3 days/2 nights it about right for the age of the children.)

· Warmer water in the pirhana pool!

(Response: The room is very well heated and the water is also heated to a safe level)

· Make sure water equipment is available for all sizes. xxx had to wear size 4 water shoes which fell off her. Also, xxx told me that the ladders on the bunk bed were moving and not secured, which made some children almost fell off the ladders.

(Response: We have fed this back to Robinwood)

· Veggie breakfasts sounded disappointing

· Food could be improved.

(Response: We note the slightly lower score for the quality of food. We feel the choice, quality and variety of food is good and monitor this continually throughout the visit.)

· More messages about children.

· Photos on social media to keep parents updated.

(Response: As outlined at the meeting before we left, we send a text on arrival, at the start of day 2 and 3 and then update about the estimated arrival time back at school. Be assured, we would send additional texts (or make direct contact) if there were any important news whilst away. School staff that are on the trip focus on the children whilst away– time spent uploading photos would take them away from supporting and ensuring they have a great time. However, Mr Harrison does create a slideshow  on return which you will be able to view on the school website.)

· Contact with your child

(Response: The trip is 2 nights/3 days– if we were to go for a much longer period we would consider this. Contact may benefit parents/carers but could distract/unsettle the children which would be undesirable. The schedule is non-stop so it would be difficult to manage this process without it impacting on the number of activities the children complete.)

Any additional comments or suggestions

· xxx said it was amazing and he wished they were there longer he had that much fun there.

· She loved it, thank you.

· A brilliant trip!

· A massive Thank you to the staff who gave up their time . xxxx loves the whole event

· xxx really enjoyed it, thank you for arranging it

· A great trip away for the children that they all seem to have loved. They learn and develop so many skills and qualities whilst away, a great opportunity and experience.

· xxxx had the best time. She has never stopped talking about her experience since she’s come back.

· Excellent experience for the children- thank you

· xxxx had an absolutely fabulous time which he has not stopped talking about since he got back. He has tried activities he has never done before and felt he was really brave! Thank you so much to all the staff involved for all the effort that has been put into the trip - it was hugely appreciated!

· Marine Park and Robinwood staff were amazing when dealing with xxx. They were patient and encouraging throughout. Can’t thank them enough for helping xxx to have the best experience possible!

· Thank you so much for facilitating this fantastic experience for xxx. Thank you also for the excellent care you provided when he injured his finger. He was well monitored, supported and cared for during the injury. Thank you also for the sensitive and caring way you communicated to us at home. We felt very clear that he was in good hands. This experience will leave a lasting and positive impression. He literally hasn’t stopped talking about it since he got off the bus! Thank you!

· xxx would have liked a snack on the bus on way there!

· xxx loved it and would love to go back again. xxx was inspired by all the options of sports that’t give her problems with her asthma.

· Earlier bedtime. Provide more toilet roll.

(Response: See above for response in relation the bedtime. The rooms are checked and supplies replenished– perhaps the supply ran out between checks and staff were unaware.)

· On arrival back it was a little bit chaotic with parents everyone and the luggage left on the floor and children in different buses to their luggage. I couldn’t find xxx’s suitcase until I realised that it came off the first bus.

(Response: Baggage is loaded on either bus on departure; it is done by the driver (not the children). This is not usually a problem because the buses arrive back at school at the same time. However, one of the buses was delayed on the way back to school and this is why we had to keep the group that arrived back in school first until the second bus arrived and all of the bags were offloaded. We are sorry for any delay or inconvenience this caused.)

· She loved it, it lived up to expectations! Great for their independence. Some conversation on the group chats about a boy who was vomiting and school didn’t contact his mum. This is rather worrying.

(Response: We are not privy to comments on group chats and school has no mechanism to respond/reassure. We would advise parents to raise any issues that affect their child directly with the school.)

· xxx was unwell on the last day. I just feel this could have been handled better once the children arrived back (some of the message has been redacted).

(Response: This was immediately followed up directly with the parent that provided this feedback)