Marine Park First School

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Park Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE26 1LT

0191 2534343

Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together





Absence Request Form (Not Holiday)

Some absence is authorised by the school- for details please refer to the attendance policy. Holidays are not authorised- please use the holiday form to inform us about proposed holiday leave.



Annual Report 2022-2023

 An annual created by the school. We use quotations directly from Local Authority Termly School Development Partner Reports to give an external evaluation of the school against key OFSTED judgement areas.

Annual Report 2021-2022

An annual created by the school. We use quotations directly from Local Authority Termly School Development Partner Reports to give an external evaluation of the school against key OFSTED judgement areas.

Annual Report 2020-2021

A short OFSTED style report created by the school to highlight strengths and areas we are developing further.

Appeal Arrangements

Local Authority Appeal Arrangements 21-22



Calculation Policies and Maths Videos

Outlines the progression of teaching the four operations


Follow this link to register or pay for milk if you would like your child to receive milk after they turn 5.


The Marine Park Creed


Curriculum and assessment  information and half termly parent information sheets

Cycling Safely to School

Advice from Bikeability/North Tyneside Council including a 3 minute bicycle safety check and also fitting a helmet safely

E-Safety and Social Networking

Information and guidance on how to keep your children safe when using the internet

Gateway APP

The school uses a gateway app to send messages to parents/carers. This saves the school money because it diverts messages to the APP rather than sending it as an SMS text to a mobile phone. The money we save can be used to benefit your child’s education. This link takes you to the register and download page for the APP.

Free School Meals

Do you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals? Click here to visit the North Tyneside Website for more information.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Information and school documents relating to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Holiday Leave of Absence Form


All holiday leave will be unauthorised

Illness Advice

Advice when considering if your child is well enough to come to school

Little Orange Book– Expert Advice on helping babies and young children when they are poorly

Infection Control

Guidance on infection control in schools

Medication Form



Fortnightly newsletters and links to Marine Park in the news


Read our most recent OFSTED inspection report

Online Safety

Information and guidance on how to keep your children safe when using the internet

Operation Encompass Project

Support for children who are affected by domestic abuse

Out of School Club and 30 Hour Offer


Packed Lunch Advice

Healthy Packed Lunch advice


A text service for North Tyneside parents and carers of children aged 5-9. Chat to a school nurse by texting 07480635908

Parent Teacher Association

Information from the Parent Teacher Association

Phonics Screen (Y1 test) Information

Information about the Y1 Phonics Screen

PE and Sport Premium Report

 Report includes:

  • the amount of PE and sport premium received
  • a full breakdown of how it has been spent, including justifying any additional costs incurred and describing:
    • the measurable impact that the school has seen on pupils’ PE attainment, physical activity and sport participation due to the spending
    • how the spend will be sustainable in the future


Lists of policies the school holds (some with  links to download)

Privacy Notice

Marine Park First School holds a variety of data. Follow this link if you want to find out more.



Pupil Premium Strategy Report


Questionnaire and Consultation Exercises



· Learning to read summary Letter (Nov 21)

· Learning to read summary Letter (Nov 21)


· Find more Read, Write Inc. information

· Sound Pronunciation Guide


· Y1 Reading Letter  (Sept 21)

· Y2 Reading Letter (Sept 21)

· Reading Plus Letter (for Pupils in Y3 and Y4) (Jan 22)

Rearranging the classes

· Y2 Mixing the Classes when they move to Y3 in 2024-25 Letter (March 24)

· Questions and Answers about Rearranging the Classes at the end of Year 2 (May 18).

Robinwood 2024 Launch Summary Letter (updated April 2024)

Summary letter for the 2024-24 Y3 Cohort updated on 17.4.24 including online payment details, link to presentation and a link to the permission form.

Trip is booked from 2nd-4th October 2024. The deadline for signing up is 16th February.

Robinwood 2024 Final Meeting Slides

Slides used at the Google Meet held a week before departure (September 2024)

Robinwood Kit List


Robinwood Menu

An example menu

Robinwood Presentation 2024

A presentation of slides from the Google Meet on 22nd January 2024.

Robinwood Questionnaire Results

Link to the your say section of our website where you can view questionnaire results



School Meal Menus

Menu choices offered by CH&C

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Term dates 2023-24


Y4 Times Table Check Letter

Link to Times Table Rock Stars


Uniform Order form (online)


Uniform Order form (to print)



Y2 Assessments Letter

Letter sent out in April 2022 about Y2 assessment tasks/tests

Y2 (Key Stage 1 ) Test sample materials


Y2 (Key Stage 1 ) Tests

A short video aimed at parents to give outline information about the new National Curriculum tests.